On December 18th, 2008, the most precious angel was born onto this earth. He taught the world all about hope, perseverance, compassion, that you cannot judge a book by its glossary and mostly the fact that there is no foot print too small that it cannot leave an imprint on the world. This angel was bold, tolerant, passionate and focused. He made a wonderful addition to this earth! 3:09 on February 27, this sweet precious angel was summoned to heaven. He is now with Jesus. He is able to run, jump, skip and play. He will be a wonderful and powerful addition to the heavens and will guard us always. We love you more than life, Bryden. There is no more pain. Your bed is made in heaven, save us a spot. We will remember you every second of every day! You have made a difference in more people's lives than we ever will. We love you and will dream of the day that we play together again! Bryden is survived by his parents, Taryn and Brent Anderson and his two big brothers, Garyth and Donavyn.